Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Chapter 16 - Life is Good and "Normal"

If there was one thing Delia wanted more than anything it was some semblance of 'normal'.  She wanted her boys to have a normal childhood and her and Francisco to live out their lives 'normally'. 

The boys were growing and bonding.  Duncan was growing up before her eyes and was already in school.    He loved learning and playing with his big brother Darius.   
Then before Delia could digest the fact that 'baby' Duncan was already in school, Darius was in high school.  With those haunting green eyes, she could always see her mother in Darius. She loved that about him.  It made Darius all the more special to her.

Francisco and his sons enjoying a friendly but competitive video game before bedtime.   
Part of the reason things were more 'normal' was Francisco. He was now making much more money so that was no longer an issue because he now ran the company.  After their big fight he promised to stop working late and was keeping his promise.  He began helping as much as he could with the kids, playing games with them and reading them to sleep.   It made her so happy to see her ‘men’ having so much fun together.

With the boys getting older and requiring less supervision, it certainly gave her and Francisco some much needed adult time alone. Things seemed very normal indeed.
Halloween was upon them.  To help get everyone in the spirit, Delia decided to carve a pumpkin.  The older boys laughed at silly videos instead of helping.  Boys will be boys!

Finally she got them to put down their phones and they took Duncan trick or treating.  

Yes, things were so very nice and ‘normal’. When she was around all the guys now dominating her every waking moment, she could forget the basement existed and the fact that she turned a woman into a ‘Vampire’.  She shudders every time she replays that scene in her head and hears the shopkeeper quietly laughing.   But, the woman seemed fine and ran when she saw her at the Festival.  Curious!  Just an anomaly.  That's all. 

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