Saturday, October 31, 2015

Chapter 8 - The Family Expands - Darius

Daniel was growing up so fast. As most new parents are wont to do, Delia and Francisco, or more accurately Delia, planned a huge party for Daniel's first birthday. They were so proud of their little man.

As Delia was setting things up, she became very sick and ran outside to throw up, but she didn’t let it get her down. She just sucked it up and had a good time. It was a great party!  Baby Daniel is growing up to be handsome young man just like his father thought Delia.  

Francisco had invited his boss to the party and they slipped off to have a bit of office talk. He told Francisco he was doing such a great job that he gave him a promotion right on the spot. He said Francisco had the right stuff to become the CEO of the company.  Maybe one day the company will be named FDW Company for the Francisco & Daniel Wilber Company.  A perfect end to a perfect day.  

After the party Delia was still not feeling right.  Then she remembered this was how she felt when she was pregnant with Daniel so she locked herself in the bathroom and took a pregnancy test just to be sure. Her instincts were right. She was definitely pregnant again!  

Once again, they had not planned this baby as Francisco was already working so much overtime just to take care of the three of them. Now there would be four. She wasn't entirely sure how he would take it. Later, after she worked up her courage, she told him.  She shouldn't have been surprised  that he was very sweet and supportive. He assured her that things were going very well at the office and in fact he had just gotten a big promotion, so they would be fine.  He told her to stop worrying and to put up the crafts and focus on taking care of herself and Daniel.   

Delia tried to do as Francisco said and spent the next few months of her pregnancy teaching and caring for Daniel.  He was such a bright little boy and seemed to learn everything so easily.  With an active toddler and one on the way there was little time for the basement so it remained locked up. She did manage to sneak out a book or two containing potion recipes and spent time reading them while Daniel napped. The Elixir store clerk mentioned there were more potions that would bring big bucks if she could make them. Maybe if she could make a little more money then Francisco wouldn't work so many hours. In spite of his promotion and raise, he still was still spending countless late nights and even weekends in meetings. 

Francisco’s 35th birthday was coming up so they hired a sitter for Daniel and went to the tavern to celebrate.  Just when Francisco was getting ready to blow out his candles, Delia’s water broke and she went into full blown labor. They had to leave the party to rush her to the hospital.  They got there just in time for the birth of their second little boy, Darius. Happy Birthday Francisco!

Go to Chapter 9
Go back to Chapter 7

Chapter 7 - Baby Daniel Makes 3

In anticipation of the upcoming birth of their new baby, Francisco began working longer hours. Money was tight and Delia's crafts weren't adding a lot to the budget. He stayed late for meetings and occasionally stopped for a drink or bite to eat after work with his colleagues.  

Delia didn't like it very much, but she tried to be understanding. She was very pregnant now and was beginning to get a bit lonesome. She started going back to the basement more and more to keep her mind off of things while Francisco was working.  

She kept herself busy working in the garden during the morning hours and reading and practicing making potions for the Elixir store all the way to the end of her pregnancy...which ended in the early morning hours.

When Delia went into labor, she woke up Francisco to let him know it was time.  He was a bit frazzled, being this was his first time becoming a father, but he calmed down and managed to get them safely to the hospital where their new little baby boy, Daniel, was born without incident.

Francisco took his new son and wife home from the hospital, kissed them goodbye and headed straight to work.  

Delia knew Francisco was a good father - when he wasn’t working.  But he worked a lot! Therefore, most of Daniel’s care fell to Delia, which she didn’t mind at all. Francisco didn't pressure her to get a job which she appreciated.  Yes, she was in love all over again with the two men in her life now.

When Francisco finally got home, she had Daniel asleep for his afternoon nap.  Delia wanted him to know just how much she did love him. She gave him a great big hug and took him by the hand back to their bedroom to steal what little time together they could while the baby slept. How could any one girl get so lucky?  She knew now she must be careful to keep the basement hidden. With Francisco’s skepticism of the unexplained, he might leave her and take her newest love away from her.  She wouldn’t be able to bear that. 

Friday, October 30, 2015

Chapter 6 – Delia & Francisco & . . .

Delia and Francisco spent the next few months of their marriage sight-seeing Appaloosa Plains and getting to know each other. They toured the Bistro, the Art Gallery and the Fairy Arboretum and had extra adult fun in every single one of those public places! 

At the end of the summer they went to the Festival together and spent the day holding each other up while they learned to roller skate.  Delia had never had so much fun. It was exhausting and exhilarating.  She was in love with being married to Francisco. She had completely forgotten all things bad. 

Things were beginning to setting into a normal routine when she began to get ill.  She finally decided to go to the doctor.  Well, she found out she wasn't sick, she was pregnant!  She was very happy, but a little bit worried. She knew Francisco wanted a family and she did too, but so soon?  They hadn't really discussed it so early in their marriage. 

She nervously waited for him to get home so she could let him know the news. She needn't have worried. He was very happy and tried to feel the baby kick....Well, not yet Francisco - give the little thing time to grow! They were very happy indeed and ready to share that with the new life that was growing inside her. 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Chapter 5 - Delia's Wedding Day

Francisco was doing better at work although funds were still tight.  But the two of them could care less - they were enjoying each other. 

Delia continued experimenting in the basement while Francisco was at work.  She was beginning to be a believer that these potions actually were powerful when she made one and promptly passed out in the floor.  It was probably just the fumes.  Regardless, she still wouldn’t tell her soon-to-be husband about the basement.   One of the things she had recently discovered about him is his perversion to all talk about magic and supernatural beings.  She may one day be forced to tell him the truth, but for now, she had a wedding to plan as their wedding day was fast approaching.  

Delia had a Bachelorette Party at the Hangout and Francisco had the guys down to the Tavern for a few drinks and Foosball to celebrate their upcoming wedding.  They planned to have the ceremony at their home as soon as the weather cleared with a few of their closest friends.
The day was soon upon them.  While getting ready, Delia found her Mom’s locket and put it on for her wedding. She vowed to never take it off to honor her mother. She was stunning and Francisco was as handsome as ever in his tuxedo.

They said vows under the arch in the front yard of Delia’s childhood home, now hers and Francisco’s.  Indoors, Francisco moved the furniture out of the front room and made a makeshift dance floor where they had their first dance as Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur while the guests enjoyed the wedding cake. Francisco’s boss gave him a few days off to honeymoon.  They took full advantage!

Chapter 4 - Francisco

 Graduation day arrived and Delia managed to graduate as Valedictorian in spite of everything she had been though; losing her mom, finishing her final year of High School alone, working part time at the Spa and even dealing with the secret in the basement. Fortunately, she had met Francisco and he was always there to help and support her.

In celebration of their graduation, he came over and wound up spending the night with Delia.  They were seeing more and more of each other.  Delia was pretty sure he was going to propose – at least she hoped so!  But the basement would remain a secret - for now anyway.

Well she didn’t have to wait long.  As soon as Francisco got a job and saved up enough for a ring, he went down on one knee and before she knew it, she was engaged.  She was over the moon happy.  But one thing worried her.  She still hadn’t told him about the basement.  Now that they were engaged, she was even more afraid of losing him so decided until she figured out what was really down there, the basement and it’s bizarre contents would remain her secret. He didn’t need to know her mom was a loon. Or, if there really was something to all of this and her mom was actually a witch or some other kind of weirdo she might lose him!  No, she loved Francisco and couldn’t imagine being without him, so a secret it would remain.  

After they became engaged, Francisco moved in with her.   He said it would help with finances to just have one home to pay for.  Delia didn’t blink an eye and readily accepted that proposal – they would be married soon and the finances were tight. Her mom's money was running out and the Day Spa didn't pay that much.  He wasn’t making a lot either just starting his job. 

Delia began to sell the potions she was making. She told Francisco she was selling things she was making from the metals she was collecting, the produce from the garden and the fish she caught by taking it to the consignment store – actually she was selling the ‘potions’ she was conjuring up in the basement from those things. The folks at the Elixir store seemed to want them and they sold well.  Okay, now that she thought of it, maybe that was how her Mother supplemented their income and that was all there was to it.   Anyways, forget the basement for now; she had a wedding to plan!  

Chapter 3 - Delia and Alchemy

Delia continued to live in the modest house in Appaloosa Plains she and her mother had shared since she was born. Since she was a senior, if she kept her grades up, she wouldn't have to move into a foster home.  No social workers or foster parents for her. 

Delia's mom didn’t leave her wealthy, but she had enough to get her through the last year of high school.  Her job at the day spa also helped as ensure she had enough money. 

Delia still wasn't convinced the potions were real or her mom’s stories either. But curiosity got the better of her and she took a little time to try a few of the recipes. One of them made her hungry – or maybe she just spent too much time in the basement and simply forgot to eat.  It couldn’t have really been a hunger potion or even worse – a starvation potion. No – she just needs to remember to eat now and then!  

Francisco Wilbur

What Delia really cared about was this one special guy she met at her Senior Prom, Francisco Wilbur. He was quite handsome and such a flirt!  She was shocked he even paid any attention to her. But he did. And Francisco made her feel so special that she could forget about everything. When they were together life was good and 'normal' again.  

Dating Francisco left little time to explore the basement but the draw was powerful and Delia soon found herself in the basement several more times before graduation. 

Chapter 2 - Delia All Alone

Delia and her mom became inseparable so it hit Delia very hard when her mom died.  She kept thinking of all the talk of the supernatural and wondered if it was just the talk of a senile woman or maybe there was something to it. What about the code she gave her.  Usually there is some truth mixed in with the ramblings.  

Delia was alone now and had a lot of free time on her hands.  She was ready to go through her mom's things and clean out her room.  That is when she figured out her mom’s room was actually smaller than it should be according to the outside walls.

Could there really be a hidden room? It couldn't be too big.  Maybe just a safe.  So she started looking through the bookshelf and flipping through the books.  Suddenly one of the books clicked and swung open displaying a keypad. Could this be what the code is for?  Delia retrieved the paper and entered the code.  The bookcase began to move.  

Now Delia was really frightened.  It WAS true. She had never really expected to find anything. But it wasn't just a safe, it led to a staircase. There is indeed a basement hidden under the house.  How could she have lived here for 17 years and not known this.  

Delia took a deep breath and descended the stairs that were revealed when the bookcase door swung open.   She was amazed at what she found.   There were indeed cauldrons and alchemy stations.  More bookshelves and books were everywhere.  Even captured insects and other plants were strewn around and collected in a huge cabinet along with what looked like potions.   There was a desk and a computer with a single rose and picture.  Could it be – her – father?  She never knew her mom had a picture of him – which now that she thought about it was a bit strange.   But all of this was more than strange.

Delia moved closer and looked at the framed picture. She saw herself staring back at her from the blue eyes in the photo and in the frame adjacent to it was a picture of her mom when she was much younger – she knew it was her.  Her very unusual green eyes were a dead giveaway. She rifled though some of the books and discovered that they were indeed alchemy books with recipes for potions and elixirs.  
Dumbfounded, Delia sat down at the desk and turned on the computer.  It was password protected.  She tried the code that her mom had given her to no avail.  Then she put in her birthday and it worked. That made her smile. 

There were folders with scanned copies of clippings and one folder with a document that had been updated over the last 16 or so years.  She was going to have to read this.  But not now.   She was simply exhausted…mentally as well as physically.   And she had school and work at the day spa tomorrow.

Prologue and Chapter 1 - Adele Newton

Delia Newton

This story is about Delia Newton.  It is a multi-generational 'challenge' where Delia becomes more or less immortal by virtue of creating and using life extending elixirs. 

I am playing with normal lifespans and no other sim will be allowed to extend their lives - only Delia. My goal is to experience as much of the game play as I can and play in all of the different worlds using no cheats other than NRAAS mods that make my game run smoother and the woohooer mod to give it a small bit of randomness.  To begin with I am not using story progression but may change my mind later. Delia won't be staying too long in the different towns so that they shouldn't die out on me. 
  • Delia Newton is a child born of the supernatural - but because her mother was stripped of her powers while she was pregnant with her, or maybe because her father was mortal, Delia exhibits no outward signs of supernatural traits and is completely unaware of her heritage.
  • Delia must discover the age potions quickly to obtain the young again potion in order to continue her quest to discover her true heritage.
  • Delia must get married in each town and have children.  When her husbands die (strangely unnatural deaths or just old age) she must move to a new world. 
  • Delia or a husband will attempt to master all the jobs, learn all potions, recipes, songs etc, live in all the worlds, catch all the fish, varmints, insects, visit all the vacation lands, get all degrees etc  in a quest to discover the secrets of her background and find the roots of her family.

Chapter 1 - Adele Newton
Adele Newton
Delia Newton was only 17 years old when her mother, Adele passed away and left her alone.   As Adele lay dying she began to tell Delia tales of the supernatural.   She warned Delia to be wary of all unnatural beings - that she should investigate each group and learn their secrets so she could stay one step ahead of them.   She should be very careful – some are very powerful and could hurt her and her family.   Of course Delia had no idea what any of that could even mean and just passed it off as the ramblings of a very sick woman.  There was no such thing as Vampires, Fairies, Witches, Werewolves or just magic in general.  

Adele went on to tell Delia of a basement in their home that contained cauldrons and spell books that held the secret to very powerful potions that would help protect her.   At this point, Delia knew her mom really had lost it; there was no basement in their home.   Sadly Adele passed on before she could finish her tales but with her dying breath she told Delia she loved her and pressed a piece of paper in her hand that contained a code that supposedly unlocked the secret passageway in their home.  "Mom", she said gently, "We live in a small one story 2-bedroom home - there are no ‘secret’ passages."  Adele smiled, squeezed Delia's hand and quietly passed away.

What Adele didn't tell Delia was the she was (or used to be) a fairy but Delia’s father was mortal. Adele didn’t want Delia to know about her heritage in order to to protect her and allow her to have a normal childhood.   Adele planned to tell her everything when she was old enough to understand. The story she told Delia was that her father had died soon after she was born in a tragic accident. The sad truth is he never got to see his daughter. Delia’s grandfather, Adele's father, Niall Thorn, was a very powerful Prince of Fairies. It is forbidden by Fairy Law to interbreed or to even let mortals know of their very existence.  

Adele met and fell in love with a the most beautiful mortal she had ever seen, Newt Jamison. Adele and Newt secretly married and she soon became pregnant. Adele and Newt were going to run away, but they had to have a plan to get away from the Thorn Clan without getting caught. If you ever tried to sneak around a fairy before, it isn't easy. Adele was going to tell her mother and get her help but those kind of secrets don't keep well and Niall found out before she could talk her mother.  He was furious and promptly had Newt disposed of. The simple fact that Newt even knew Adele was a fairy was enough to seal his fate, much less that she was pregnant with his child- a MORTAL's child! Niall furiously locked Adele in her room while he tried to decide the best course of action – but not before he angrily stripped her of her ‘fairy powers’.  If she wanted to be with mortals, then be one!  Adele was devastated and completely heartbroken.
Young Delia
Fearing for her unborn child’s life, Adele managed to escape Moonlight Falls, the town she was born in, with her Mother's help.  She left with nothing but the clothes on her back and the little bit of cash her mother secretly gave her. A mother’s love is stronger than any Law. Late one night while the fairies slept, Adele’s mother helped her sneak her out. She warned Adele not to tell anyone, including her where she was going lest they find her. That would be the last time Adele saw or spoke to her mother.   

Adele managed to get to Appaloosa Plains – a very mortal town - where Delia was later born.   Adele changed her name from Jamison to Newton, in honor of her late husband, and still remain hidden from anyone that might be looking for her. She still feared the Fairies may hunt her down and kill her or take Delia from her to eliminate all traces of Adele's indiscretion.  

Teenager Delia
Adele never married again as she never recovered from the loss of Newt or forgave her own father for his actions. She did keep a secret journal with clippings regarding the disappearance of Newt Jamison and the one picture she had of him that she hid in her secret room. No one knew she was ever married to him or what happened to him and sadly never would.

Delia became the center of Adele’s world.   At 17 she was already stunning with her mom’s blonde hair and Newt’s huge blue eyes.  Adele was sad Delia would never know her father. Every time she looked at her daughter she could see Newt looking back. It was a small comfort. But Delia would know of him.  Adele had decided she would tell Delia everything on her 18th birthday, just one more year away. Unfortunately, Adele fell ill and would not live to see her daughter's 18th birthday.

Continue to Chapter 2