Sunday, November 1, 2015

Chapter 9 - Seeing is Believing

Delia had a couple of potions and some produce to consign so she hired a sitter for the boys and went to the Elixir store.  They had recently received a couple of new rare potions; Bottled Vampires Bite and Fountain of Youth. The clerks told Delia if she could learn these and bring them in, she could get wealthy. Delia had read every potion recipe book she could find, but the Fountain of Youth, she was sure, wasn’t among them although the vampire one was. That one was difficult to make so she had never made it.  The clerk offered to sell it to her so she could try it and gave her a small discount on both potions. She then encouraged Delia to try the Youth potion on herself. Somehow the clerk knew Delia wasn’t a true believer in her own potions and needed to convince her if she wanted Delia to continue to make them.  
So Delia figured, what could it hurt?  I might just get a little wet.  So Delia splashed the Youth Potion on herself and indeed at first she just felt – well wet.   Then, strange things began to happen and she felt all sparkly and warm inside and then the feeling subsided.  It was a nice feeling, but she was sure it was just the warmth that came over her that made her feel nice, nothing more.  She still wasn’t convinced there was anything to these silly potions.   

The clerk knew this did nothing to make her believe so she said to go ahead and throw the Vampire’s Bite on that customer over there.  Then, you will know.  Delia was apprehensive and not so sure the woman wanted to get warm and fuzzy, but to prove to herself there was nothing to these potions, she obliged. 
She threw the potion on the unsuspecting customer.  The potion sparked when it hit her and a red cloud appeared around the customer.
Then she actually had a transformation right before Delia’s eyes.   

The woman’s eyes began to glow and her skin actually changed colors from a nice rosy pink to an ashen shade of gray.  

Then when she began to talk to Delia – she had fangs!   Had she had actually become a creature of the night?  Delia was frightened and afraid she might attack her, but instead, the woman seemed to think it was quite cool.  Now she would live forever she told Delia and showed off her new fangs!  
Delia nearly passed out – her mother was right about one thing.  There were other worldly creatures and beings.  Delia wondered why her mom didn’t use the Fountain of Youth potion if it really worked but then there wasn’t a recipe for that in the basement – she had read them all so maybe her mother didn’t know it existed. 

Francisco and the children must never find out about this!!!!!   She vowed she would never go into the basement again.  No matter how much money it would bring.  But, then, all of the potions weren’t bad.  No, she decided, she must find and learn all of the potion recipes so she could control it – whatever it was.  But how can she do this?  The clerk told her the fortune tellers might help as they deal in the supernatural sometimes. She also told Delia she occasionally got recipe books consigned so check back often.

Delia left in a panic.  This could destroy her marriage and she could lose her children. No, that won’t happen. She loved those two sweet boys and her hard-working hunk of a husband.  She would allow nothing to hurt them or take them away from her.  A secret it would remain.

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