Friday, April 22, 2016

Chapter 94 - Wishing for Jewel

After the detective left, Delia went straight to the basement.  As she walked through the secret door, she thought, "That Genie is going to help me get my daughter back or else he will never see the light of day again! ..... but I must be careful. I still have two wishes and I must use them wisely....I don't want another mess like this one...."

Delia sighed and reached up on the top shelf and pulled down the lamp.  She rubbed it so the Genie would appear. She thought she was ready for whatever he had to throw at her and would choose her words carefully this time. No more foolish mistakes.

As soon as she rubbed the lamp the Genie appeared to her.

"Hi my pretty lady!  Cordell Shinn at your service. How is your love life?" asked the Genie.

That sent Delia over the edge!  How dare he! she thought.

"My LOVE life was a sham and YOU know it! You put a spell on a man and made him fall in love with me against his wishes! How and why did you do that? Did you enjoy watching the whole thing unfold from inside that safe little lamp of yours? I made a fool out of myself stalking the poor man all over town then wound up pregnant with his love child. He never loved me and now he had decided to kidnap my baby because he thinks I am crazy. And now -YOU are going to get my baby back for me."

"As you wish pretty lady," replied Cordell.

"Oh NO! Cordell. This is not a wish, this is a command! They are not the same thing. You will fix this and then I will make a wish, a wish for you to never be able to grant anyone wishes again!"

"Ahhh, but you see, sweet Delia, now you have exercised your last two wishes."

"No.....I haven't officially 'wished' for anything. You are trying to trick me."

"Delia, don't despair, I can do the things you wish for. How about we start with the second. You see, if you release me from the lamp, I will no longer be able to grant wishes, but I will be able to become more, shall we say, human......and in my human form it will be easier for me to then rescue your child. No harm, no foul as they say."

Delia thought for a minute.  He had a point. How could he find and get Jewel back if he were trapped in a lamp and if he was no longer a Genie, then he wouldn't be able to hurt anyone anymore.  Maybe this could work.  

"Cordell, is it? I think maybe I can go along with your proposal. How do we get started. I don't want to waste any more time. My baby needs me and I don't know what Troy could be up to. He may be planning to leave the country with his boyfriend."

Cordell busted out laughing. "Did you say boyfriend? No wonder things went awry. Oopsie! My bad!"

"Not. Funny.  Just tell me. How do we release you?"

Go to Chapter 95

Go back to Chapter 93

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