Delia was feeling especially tired and achy. She thought she might even have a fever. It was a full moon but she didn't think that had anything to do with it, however strange things do happen on the night of the full moon. The girls were hungry and she
probably needed nourishment as well, so she went into the kitchen to prepare

As she stood there, she could feel her skin becoming red
hot and it took her breath away. She barely managed not to scream aloud in pain. Then it
lessened for a minute before starting again. Suddenly she realized what must be happening and that only made it worse. The attack by the two vampires must have
infected her. She was turning.
She was exhausted. What would she tell Victoria? She didn’t know about vampires yet as she
was only 12. But she would have to be told when she turned 16, maybe before. Valerie would know immediately. Poor
Valerie, she thought, one more thing
to add to your stress.

Delia proceeded to tell her about the two men that
kidnapped her and had likely intended to kill her when Vladimir came and
rescued her. She said, “Those were
likely the same two men that later attacked and killed your father. But no one saw them, so we have no idea if
they are or not.”
“I have been in touch with Elvira, your father’s
co-worker,” said Delia, “and it appears they were only after him so we should
be safe. Please don’t worry about that. God, you are so young to have these
burdens. Val, I love you, I am so sorry.”
“But, why would they want to hurt Dad? I don’t
understand. He didn’t hurt anyone…did he?”
“No Val. Your
father was a good, decent man. The people that hurt him wanted to take
over. They were evil and corrupt. Go to
bed now. Please don’t worry. What we
need to be concerned with is Victoria. She is so unhappy. Do you think if we have
a birthday party for her that will help? We can ask Pierre and Hope to come and
their children. It will do us good to
have something happy going on around here.”
“Sure mom,” replied Valerie as she quickly turned around
and walked to her room so her mother wouldn’t see her crying.
After Valerie went off to bed, Delia went downstairs to
the basement. It was a full moon and ghosts had a tendency to make an
appearance. She could use a friend and figured she would see Francisco again
and he would be able to comfort her. She
wouldn’t admit to herself she really hoped that she would see Vladimir. Maybe it was better she didn’t.
When they
kissed, she knew it wasn’t a dream. She
also knew this moment was fleeting and he would soon be gone. She wanted this moment to last forever.
When they finally separated – she told him she was sorry
for all that happened. She recalled
Elvira’s words that it was her fault. He
would have none of it. “No my love,” said Vladimir, “you and our girls made my
life worth living. You had nothing to
do with my death. Those wheels were put
into motion before our paths ever crossed.
You know this. It was retribution for Anastasia. So please, don’t take
responsibility for it. Remember, I will always love you and even if you can’t
see me, I will be here in your heart. What we had was special and I love you for that.”
He pulled her into an embrace as she cried on his cool
shoulder. “I miss you so much,” said
Delia in between sobs, “Please don’t go.”
“Delia, darling, you know I can’t stay”, whispered
Vladimir, “Take care of the girls. They need you now more than you know.
You should leave Bridgeport. Take them far away. Get them and yourself away from this turmoil.”
“Promise me Delia that you will leave as soon as it
matures whether or not Val has graduated. Otherwise you may be in danger and Elvira won’t be able to protect you.”
“No,” sighed Delia, “She probably won’t. We will leave as soon as we can, I promise. I love you more
than you could ever know.”
“Goodbye love...I have to go now,” Vladimir said sadly as he disappeared in a cloud of red smoke.
As she set out for the kitchen, she heard
sobbing coming from the girl’s bedroom and peaked inside. Poor Victoria was bawling her eyes out. Delia
started to go in, but Valerie was already up and going over to soothe her. She quietly closed the door and continued to the
kitchen. She had to get this over with.

While she was forcing the plasma juice down, she knew she
had to call Elvira again in light of the turn of events. She needed to know
what else, as a vampire, she needed to know.
Vladimir never talked about his supernatural powers. He tried to protect
her from that side of him other than when he would drink from her instead of
drinking the juice. It was usually a precursor for making love and very erotic and personal. But she knew he had other powers and Delia
needed an education.
Amazingly, Elvira agreed to come over one more time – but
only out of respect for Vladimir she said. Elvira probably was prepared to ‘suck her dry’ as she put it last time.
“It was the guys that attacked me in the museum,” said Delia, “They infected me during the attack. I transformed yesterday. That is why I needed to talk to someone. I don’t know how to BE a vampire, what I am capable of and what I shouldn’t do. I need your help.”
Elvira backed off now angry, “You called me for
that? You selfish bitch! Blondie, let's get this straight, I owe
you NOTHING. Stop calling me for
yourself. I have no pity for you. I despise you. I only came for Vlad. Figure
it out yourself. I only came because I thought you may have seen his attackers.”
“Elvira, he trusted you. Please…” begged Delia.
Delia watched helplessly as Elvira got into her car and
drove off squealing her tires for effect.
Delia went upstairs to her bedroom and got ready for
bed. Elvira exhausted her. Delia wasn’t sure why she really thought Elvira
might help her except that Elvira had loved Vladimir. Maybe it was cruel to
keep calling her for help. Delia had learned her lesson. Elvira is one vamp she
did not want to cross again.
Delia got up and went around to the chairs in front of the desk and sat
in one of them.
“What is on your mind baby?” asked Delia.
Valerie sat down in the other chair and said, “Victoria, Dad, You, Me…the basement,” she joked, “Nothing much.”
“Wow,” said Delia, “Where should we start?”
“How did you and Dad meet? I could never figure out how
two totally different people could cross paths.” Delia just laughed. This was a pleasant
memory for her, “We met in a bar. He didn’t pick me up or even dance with
me. We just talked until closing time. I
wasn’t looking to ‘hook up’; just to get out of the house and maybe meet some
people. I went with my boss to promote
our restaurant.”
“What is it like
being a vampire?” Valerie asked next.
“Whew, baby, that is a tough one. The biggest difference
is some of the enhanced senses that I have, I am faster and maybe stronger. There may be others. I feel best during the night time hours and staying out in the sunlight for
too long drains me and begins to burn my skin. And I don’t eat. I drink plasma

“I understand.
There are definitely trade-offs. But honey, one of the things you mentioned,
the basement. Remember when your Dad told you there were powerful potions
there? I can conjure them. I don’t know why they work for me, but there are
many, some good and others very evil and even the good ones in the wrong hands
can be used for evil. That is why it has
to remain a secret. However, one of the
recipes is a cure for vampirism.”
Delia got up and continued, “As you might imagine, there are very rare ingredients
that are required and I was missing the final one. But sweetie, I have found it,” said Delia
with a smile, “It should be ready by the time you graduate from school. This is my gift to you and Victoria, a cure.
You won’t have to live life as a vampire.
Dad wanted that for you so badly.”
“But you wanted to turn – Dad said so,” said Victoria
“Because I hadn’t been able to find the final ingredient,
I needed to become a vampire and also, because of the threats from the evil
vampires that killed your father and kidnapped me. Seems like they did the job
for him,” said Delia as she rolled her now ice blue eyes.

“We are going to
be all right Val,” whispered Delia as she was warmed by her daughters embrace.