Donnovan touched the screen to answer the call. “Delia? Hi, this is Donnovan. Is everything alright?”
“Yes. No worries Donnovan!" answered Delia, "Sorry to scare you!”
“Good! What can I do for you Delia? Jewel isn't here right now. She ran to the store with Cheyenne to pick up a few things for the baby. I am babysitting. Easy enough though. She waited to leave until Ethan was napping.”
“He is such a good baby!” exclaimed Delia before getting into why she called. “I wanted to talk to you anyway. Sounds like now might indeed be a very good time.”
“So, Donnovan I will get to the point. Dee and I have been researching the best ways to perform “The Ritual” with the least amount of potential...um...side effects and I found some references to “The Power of Three” in my mother’s spell books. Dee suggested you might be able to help us understand this better and if this might help us.”
Donnovan had an “ah-ha” moment and didn't speak for a minute.
“Donnovan?” came the voice on the other end of the line, “are you there?”
“Sorry Delia. You made me think. Of course! This would be perfect. We already know that when performing the binding spell that only someone of the bloodline can do it. But Delia, we have three female blood relatives to bind a female! This is wonderful! I can't believe it didn't dawn on me until you said it. Adele will have the two closest blood relatives she can have, you - the one born of her own flesh and her mother - the the one that gave Adele life from her own body. Both of you are also very powerful in your own right as well - and before you say anything Delia, YOU are a very powerful seer. And of course Jewel, an extremely powerful witch is only one generation removed. The Power of Three.”
“So you mean that the three of us together would recite the spell that would bind Adele’s ghost to this world?”
“Yes, but there is more. We also have myself, Cordell and Niall. Those that hold the hearts of the three unconditionally. Then, we need three special incense burners and we will have the Power of Three times three which becomes the power of nine and the circle will be complete and very, very strong. Nothing should go wrong! This is great! Oh my God Delia, I love you!” laughed Donnovan.
“Ha! But...what about Newt? He will want to be there. He probably has the strongest relationship to Adele of all of us. We can't keep him away. Will that jeopardize the ritual?”
“What of the incense? Where do we get that?”
Donnovan sighed. “Egypt.”
“The heavens are indeed watching over us! Donnovan, as soon as Joy gives birth, Cordell and I are going to take a vacation together and we had already planned to there! Find out where and how we get it and we will. I feel like this was meant to be! Cordell also knows someone that is going to make arrangements for us to visit with some of the locals that know a lot about magic. I bet they will know of this special incense we need to get.”
“Yes. I am feeling much better about this whole thing. I just feel horrible that I didn't think of this on my own. Honestly, I haven't practiced witchcraft of this sort at all since I met Jewel, but I certainly know of it. I will check out the incense and how to include Newt into the ritual. Someone that loves her like he does can't possibly be a negative.”
“Thanks Donnovan. Jewel is lucky you waited for her. Bye now”
Donnovan hung up the phone and just looked it. Delia just made his day - no year. He couldn't believe he hadn't thought of incorporating the most basic of all protection into the ritual. He kept just thinking one of them had to do it and knew that his precious Jewel was the best one and now, with ALL of them there, the power divided between them would also protect them. He couldn't wait until Jewel returned home to share the news with her.
No sooner had Delia hung up from her conversation with Donnovan than the phone rang again. It was another of her son-in-laws, Alia’s werewolf husband, Jaycen. Delia laughed, two in one day. She rarely talked to them on the phone.
“Jaycen? Is everything okay?” She thought she sounded just like Donnavan had earlier.
“Yes. No… I mean Yes!”
“Jaycen, calm down. What is it?”
“Alia…her water broke! I am taking her to the hospital.”
“Is she okay? Do you need me to come stay with the twins?”
“Hold on Delia…”
Delia heard Alia calling out to Jaycen, “Honey, your Mom’s here. Let's go.”
“Sorry Delia...No, thank you, my mother is here and will watch the twins while I take Alia to the hospital. We called the doctor and he is meeting us there. I just wanted you to know. I will call you after we get her settled. Bye!”
Delia stared at the phone in her hand as the line went dead. The twins were a couple of weeks early, but then twins tended to do that and from what she could hear from Alia in the background she was much calmer than her her handsome husband. But the next set of babies also meant that precious time was getting away from them quickly. Delia had enjoyed the last few months with Cordell. She could almost believe that everything was going to be okay and for once in her life everything might just be exactly as it seemed. But until they brought back her mother and reunited the lovers from so long ago that gave her life, she couldn't fully believe it.
When Cordell returned, Delia told him about Alia. Then she let him know they had more to discuss.
“I spoke to Donnavan before Jaycen called. He has what he feels like will be a way to practically guarantee success with no harmful side effects when we perform the ritual to bind Mother’s ghost to this world."
"Really?" asked Cordell, "How can that be?"
"We will do it together. The combined love and power of all of us will make the spell stronger and won't take so much of a toll any one of us. You will be part of it as will Donnavan and Niall. Donnovan is also checking on how to safely include Newt because he feels like even he can add to the success.”
“I don't have the details yet but it has to do with the rule of the “Power of Three”. It is something used in witchcraft and spell casting that Donnovan is familiar with. He is getting the details. But, he also said there is a special incense only found in Egypt that will help harness the powers and quote, 'complete the circle'.”
“Cordell pulled Delia next to him on the couch. “So, we would all do this together as one? I like this much better. It just feels - I don’t know - safer I guess. And I feel better knowing I will be right there with you and Jewel. So, it looks like fate knew we would be going to Egypt!"
Delia leaned into Cordell's embrace and laid her head on his shoulder. Then he whispered into her ear, "Ours" and pulled her tighter into him. Delia couldn't stop the smile that formed on her face as she became lost in her thoughts relaxing into her husbands arms. Now she couldn't wait for Joy's baby to make her appearance. She was actually looking forward to bringing her mother back. Before she had been frightened and she knew that was why she pushed Cordell away. Nothing could go wrong now.
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