"Cordell, please, give her to me. I need to hold her. Thank you so much for finding her, said Delia. Then she asked, "But I have to know...is that Troy's car you drove up in?"

Cordell reluctantly handed Jewel to Delia as he responded to her question. "Ah yes. The 'getaway car' as they say. Troy won't need it any longer and it was easier to return in the car with my precious bundle than to try and float back."
"Cordell," said Delia worriedly, "Why won't Troy need his car? Did you pay him off or threaten him?"
"Oh no! I have no money. He was the complication I told you about. Troy tried to kill me with his useless witchcraft. I kindly told him to stop, that it wouldn't work on me - but well - he kept on trying to cast a spell on me and well, it reversed and....um....let's just say Troy is no longer a threat."
"Why Cordell? What exactly happened?"
"Pretty Lady, I didn't let the little one watch. I turned so she wouldn't see."
"CORDELL! I am putting Jewel to bed then you are going to tell me the rest of this story."

"Troy is dead, isn't he? You killed him. What about Sherman? Did you kill him too?" asked Delia.
Cordell was incensed. He didn't kill anyone and he knew he was now on shaky ground with his pretty lady. Evidently she wasn't happy that Troy would no longer be a threat.
"I did NOT kill Mr. Troy nor his lover Mr. Sherman. I tried to be careful, but your Troy snuck up on me while I was calling you."
Cordell began to plead with Delia to understand, "Pretty lady, please, I did nothing to Mr. Troy. He did it. It was his magic. It backfired. I told him to stop and he wouldn't. There was nothing I could do. I thought you would be happy that he is no longer going to be trying to steal your child. I know why you love her. She is precious and I think I love her too. Please, forgive me, there was nothing I wouldn't do for you or your sweet child."
"Stop. Just stop! Troy is dead? Yes or no?"
Cordell looked at his feet then finally met Delia's eyes and said simply, "Yes."
Delia took a deep breath as she began to tear up. "What about his body. Where is it? We need to - uh - dispose - ugh - of it."
Cordell smiled. "Oh - there is no need. I have his ashes. There is nothing left!"
Delia turned and went to throw up then to her room. Cordell let her go. He had to think how to fix this. He had fallen in love with her and her little girl. He could see himself being a family with them. He grabbed something to eat and then as he was going to his room, he heard her in her room crying and it broke his heart. He couldn't do nothing.
Cordell knocked on her door hoping she would let him in. He was surprised when she did.
"Oh Delia. Please don't be sad. You have your angel back. I am sorry. You know I would never, ever do anything to hurt either of my two pretty ladies."
"Cordell, I never wanted to hurt Troy. He was innocent in all of this."
"Ahhh, no he wasn't. He didn't want anything to do with you. He shunned you when you told him you were carrying his child. Then he kidnapped her from you and tried to kill me. How do you say he is innocent?"
Cordell gently turned Delia to face him and continued, "Pretty lady, look at me. I am here and will protect you forever. Sherman will think Troy took the baby and left the country. There is no evidence to the contrary. No one will ever know what happened."
"Do you think so? Really? So maybe I don't need to leave?"
"Sherman is still alive, love. But he will not bother you for now, but if he finds out you have the little one, it may arouse his suspicions."
Cordell drew Delia into a hug and said quietly, "Please, let me leave with you so I can help look after the two of you. You freed me from eternity locked in a lamp and I am forever indebted to you. I know you don't want to hear it, but, pretty lady, I have fallen hard for you and your beautiful daughter. I am different now."
Cordell's hug was so comforting to Delia. She was beginning to believe he had changed. Having his strong arms wrapped around her made all of the bad feelings dissipate.
Cordell was overcome with joy when Delia allowed him to put his arms around her and comfort her. She felt so right in his arms.
"Cordell, I think, maybe I owe you an apology. I, well, I am sorry that I thought you killed Troy. You were only doing what I - uh - wished for. I guess wishes come with consequences. But there are no more - right? I never have to worry about that again. I was selfish, but you were right. Troy should never have taken my daughter. That was wrong on his part."
"It's okay Delia. You are a complicated pretty lady. And as long as I live, I will protect you. Don't forget that," replied Cordell.
Delia grasped Cordell's hands not yet wanting to release contact with him.
"I need to go to bed now. But I don't want you to leave yet. Can you stay in here with me until I go to sleep?"
"Of course. Anything for you. But, you haven't answered my question. I want to go with you and Jewel to Lucky Palms. Will you allow me to accompany you?"
"Please, I need to think about it. I believe you are changed, but the reminder of what we went through is still strong and I am not sure if I can..."
Delia let go of Cordell's hands and walked into the bathroom to wash her face. She didn't expect Cordell to follow her. She looked up and he was standing there watching her.
"Cordell, have you been there the whole time?"
"Why yes. I love watching you. You are beautiful."

Delia's breath hitched at his touch and she fell into him. She couldn't believe he had such power over her. It was different than Troy. He was charming, but Cordell, well, the way he looked at her with such love in his eyes.
"Cordell, it's okay. You don't need to apologize. You are being so sweet. Not like you were before in the lamp. I understand. In fact, I liked it when you held me and comforted me. It was - well - nice and made me feel better. Feel safe."

Then Delia leaned in and kissed him gently.
Cordell had never been happier in his entire life. At least not in the last 1,000 years. His dreams were coming true.
When Delia kissed Cordell, it was meant to be a gesture of kindness but somehow the electricity between the two of them took over and it became a prelude for more to come.

Cordell picked up Delia and carried her to to the bedroom and laid her down in her bed. He hadn't really intended to do more but Delia reached up and grabbed him around the neck and pulled him to her.
That was all it took and the two partners in crime spent the remainder of the night desperately making love to each other.

Go to Chapter 99
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